Thank you for your interest in Rest in Grace Church!
We started in a backyard during the pandemic, in July of 2020 and have been growing since. Our church is made up of mostly (not all) young adults, with a median age range of 18-35. However, all ages are welcome and encouraged to come.
Our culture is built on kingdom principles. We especially champion the beauty of ethnic diversity, the power of unity, the importance of honor, freedom in our worship to God, liberating laughter, constant generosity, properly measured grace, sincere authenticity and doing life together outside of the building, not for the sake of ministry, but as the church...the way Jesus demonstrated in the gospels. Our 7 CORE VALUES are as follows:
C - Community, H -Health (in every aspect of the word), A - Authenticity, N - N'Joying life as a Christian, G - Generosity, E - Evangelism, D - Discipleship. When we walk in these things, both we and our community will be changed, for the glory of God.
In addition, we greatly value connnectedness to the body of Christ, both locally and globally, along with spiritual gifts and miraculous moves of God when they are performed decently and in order.
We are a church that is hungry for the presence of God and desperate to live out His word.
The current ministries offered at Rest in Grace Church include: Live stream on Facebook & YouTube Live (for those abroad or unable to attend in person), Children's Ministry (Ages 4-12), Men's Monthly Fellowship Breakfast/Coffee, Women's Encouragement Meetings, Homeless Ministry, A Diversity of Events (Worship Nights, Christian Hip-Hop Nights, Annual Annniversary Events, Community Events & More), Sunday Evening Service & etc.
If you're considering calling this your spiritual home, we are honored to have you as a part of the family! If you are simply visiting, we are honored to host you as our guest! Whatever the Lord leads you to, always remember to rest in grace.
God bless you!